Episode 162 - La Mano Peluda!

Released - 3/23/2024

Bonus Episode - Part 1: The Loch Ness Monster is out there!

RELEASED - 11/13/2022

 Welcome to CamPFire Adventures

Follow us on social media & Listen to our podcast with the links below. Enjoy!

Campfire Adventures is a weekly podcast that shares the telling of scary stories around a campfire. The stories might sound CRAZY maybe even CREEPY, but more importantly the time we spend together will be COOL. With help from guests and commentary from the audience, our narrator (Dylan) welcomes you to enjoy listening to each weeks tale.


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A Glimps of the behind the scenes

This is the first of many campfires we are going to make throughout the journey of this podcast. To commemorate its significance to me and hopefully you, I saved a special place here on the homepage for it. Hey, you know what would go good with this fire… a story!

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The first campfire!