Campfire Adventures is a weekly podcast that shares the telling of scary stories around a campfire. The stories might sound CRAZY maybe even CREEPY, but more importantly the time we spend together will be COOL. With help from guests and commentary from the audience, our narrator (Dylan) welcomes you to enjoy listening to each weeks tale.
While making these stories, adventure will definitely be afoot, so stay up to date with us here on our website or any of our social media accounts. We will be sharing the experiences we have while searching for the perfect campfire to tell stories around in each and every one of our episodes. Thank you for joining us and if you have a scary story you’d like to hear on the podcast or if you have a idea you’d like us to learn more about feel free to get in touch with us.
Dylan (Narrator/Creator)
Hmm lets see… I’m a self-certified adventurer who likes long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners… (opps wrong website.) Ok well all that might be true, but I’m just a regular person who enjoys scary stories, campfires and adventures so I decided to make a podcast. As far as I can remember I’ve always loved hearing scary stories. Whether it was an episode of Unsolved Mysteries or some BS story one of my siblings made up to scare me, I’ve been hooked.
That’s not to say I don’t get freaked out, I mean in all honesty I’m the type of scared where when I hear a creepy noise from the window I cover myself with that impenetrable forcefield we all know as a blanket. The kind of scared that when I start a good horror movie I need to close the blinds before it starts cause I don’t need whatever is waiting on the other side to come get me. Well isn’t that the point of a scary story, to actually get scared! I love it and I’m going to love sharing these types of stories with you all on the podcast. At least on the podcast I’m not really alone cause I’ll have you guys listening too, right?