here’s what you don’t see when we record
Episode 101: North Carolina Part 2!

Episode 100: We did it…time to celebrate!

Episode 97: New year, new episode!

Episode 97: Back at it again with the adventures!


Episode 88: A bit of an adventure!

Episode 87: Podcast by the shore!

Episode 86: Adventure awaits!

Episode 85: in progress!
Episode 84: A campfire wins everytime!

Episode 83: A mission to get this episode done!

Episode 82: Back with the og’s!

Episode 81: South Korea adventure!

Episode 80: A beach day wins anyday!

Episode 79: Brody joined the adventure!

Episode 78: Adventures at the beachwood cafe!

Episode 77: Lets talk about spirits!

Episode 76: anything for a beachwich!

Episode 75: I’m Back Campers!

Episode 74: lory’s legend telling!

EPisode 73: Marquessa’s podcast take over!

Episode 72: Campfire adventures pool daze!

Episode 71: Beach Day For Campfire Adventures!

Episode 70: intimate evening with Campfire adventures!

episode 69: Listeners from podcastland join the recording!

Episode 68: Back at the og campfire!

Episode 67: Road trip rewind!

Episode 66: Aloha from oahu!

Episode 65: Last stop . . . las vegas baby!

Episode 64: arizona is the zone we want to be in!

Episode 63: Utah left us in Awe!

Episode 62: Good to go with idaho!

Episode 61: Wyoming is a wonderland of adventures!

Episode 60: Exploring the colorado Rockies!

Episode 59: New Adventures in New Mexico!

Episode 58: live from oklahoma its campfire adventures!

Episode 57: Somewhere over in kansas!

Episode 56: Cheers to the first year!

Episode 55: stayin’ on our journey in missouri!

Episode 54: We came, we Arkansas, and we left!

Episode 53: Texas is the bestest! (Not my best but not my worst lol)

Episode 52: Livin the dream in new orleans!

Episode 51: Mississippi was sweet!

Episode 50: went to alabama and almost ended up in the slama’!

Episode 49: Georgia was a Peach!

Episode 48: the florida experience!

Episode 47: South Carolina’s through the storm!

It's so green

Ok we literally just left a neighborhood and here we are at this National Park

Welcome to Congaree National Park

We reached another state

This scene is pretty breath taking

Who knew how important fires are

Time to walk to our campsite

Do you see the giant spider?

It's time we learn Campfire Safety

Ready to sleep

Trying to get a little fire going!

Ok we're getting somewhere

It's a baby fire, but it works

Wouldn't be a Campfire Adventure without Superman being a ham

These tree's are so amazing

Beautiful needed her own photo

Blissfully ignorant about the coming rain

And here falls the rain

That's ok though because I love the rain

We have to keep moving!
Episode 46: North Carolina’s Great Smoky mountains!

Almost there

Do you see that they have mountains on their signs?

We made it to the Great Smokey Mountains

Heading towards a tunnel!

About to go through!

Is the grass greener on the other side?

Trying to do the best we can with what we got!

It's kinda working


Camp Ready!

Look at these guys!

The Boys take a great picture!

Time to drive around a mountain

But first lets hang out with the horses!

Some new friends!

It's just so beautiful!

More friends!

Were on the road looking for adventure!

Is it a bear!

Look at the mountains

A historic building

Enjoying nature

There so many views of the mountains

I can't get enough



I love this one!

A blast in the pass

A babbling brook

You can fish and kayak in this water!

Through another tunnel

It looks a lot greener on the other side

Oh Superman

North Carolina was one of the best

Another Visitor Center visited

Some history

And lastly a bear!
Episode 45: Virginia and washington d.c. combined!

We're exploring Arlington National Cemetery!

Washington D.C. y'all

Were on the shuttle

Of Course Thank You to all who served and serve the country

Looking for some people


Do you see the bee?

Now to walk around the capital

Here's a building you don't usually see

Superman want's to fly to the top!

Is it a bird, is it a plane.... no it's Superman!

The Washington Monument and all it's glory

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Our Newest Listener

I thought this was what the white house looked like, but it's the United States Capitol!

There in the distance is the Lincoln Memorial!

There it everyone, The White House!

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial!

A Memorial for World War 2

More New Listeners

Another View

We got to see Abe! He was pretty honest lol

One more view!

And were on the road again!

I always love to see a red barn on my drives!

Check out the skyline

Look at the clouds

I'm trying to get my order!

We're on a 10 hour drive

Almost there

Just Beautiful

Still trying to catch up
Episode 44: Recoding the bonus episode - Happy holidays!

Whats Up!

Gingerbread Dude, Hot Granny and Creepy Clause Recording Sesh!


Ok for real this time

Stay Ready

Ok just one more

Alright last one for real

We've graduated to Elves

It's a Holiday Episode

That's TIM!!!

Working!! With A Smile!

If you can make it here you can make it anywhere!
episode 43: Maryland was so much fun!

Check out this bridge

Maryland State Sign!

A preview of more pictures to come

Baltimore Ravens' Stadium

Henrietta The Hen (aka Dinner jk)

Her Crew

The Scout

The Air SUpport

The Muscle

Visiting a Animal Sanctuary

The scenery

Here we go again with Superman

Where to fish?

Here's the snake we thought we saw!

Come to Dylan!


There's nothing like Maryland crab!

Trying Arabic food for the first time!

Check that skyline out!

Just one more!

Finished recording!

See we all have our own crews

Art in Maryland

Exploring the town

Hanging out at the Harbor

The Baltimore World Trade Center Tribute

My Ship is getting detailed

One of the best burgers ever!

Say What!

A Hallmark Moment

The Maryland Crew


And having tons of laughs
episode 42: west virginia just for a day!

First stop at a state welcome sign

State Signage!

Thank you to those in the Military for Protecting and Serving!

A cool water tower

New Friends

Going somewhere outdoors!

Our New Podcast Listeners

Just a quick stop!
episode 41: Don’t you dare miss a visit to delaware!

On our way to Delaware

About to walk the riverfront

Let go see some art!

It look like the links connecting society (what do you think?)

Can't go anywhere without Superman getting a photo

Just a little learning on our walk

And were walking



We Out!! On to West Virginia!
Episode 40: Salem massachusetts exploration!

OK now you know we made it to Salem

Just take a minute to explore

Ollie wanted a photo

Time to get ready

And were walking

Does this look familiar

This is the graveyard from Hocus Pocus!

Some cool headstones

It seriously feels like I'm Max from the movie

Check this out!

Taking in the Sea Side

My new whip!

OK now we've really made it

Max and Dani's house

Right next to their house

Allison's home in the movie

Now for exploring the town!




I choose the museum

We Made It

Pretty sure this is a witch

I wish we didn't get here to late

Up close you can feel the energy

The purple lights are the first witches shop

She's famous from the witch trials

Time to shop....sike were broke

This town hall is suppose to house a lot of spirits

Time to head out!

Thank you for all your service!

But first some breakfast

And P.S. we had to hit the Laundry Mat a lot but this is the first picture of that!
Episode 39: Adventures around maine!

Made it to the Cabin

It was a Misty Maine drive

The Cabin

Time to get dressed and get rest

Grab A Drink and lets get into it

I met one of the nicest people in the world here!

The drive to Cadillac Mountain

Made it to Acadia National Park

We Made It!

Just Wait!

A Little Longer

Almost There

And Boom!

The Sunrise and all it glory!

One more with me and the boys

It's like 4AM

The Boys and I

To The Top!

Jordan Pond

We made a friend

Were hiking!

Superman wanted a photo

Still Going

He wanted another picture

And Going

Another friend

And Another

He wanted another

Turned out this was a 2hr hike

Kinda looks like a beach

Still on the Hike

Its just beautiful

Mother Nature


We stumbled into town

And now were at the sea

This Guy!

Hope you like all these photos

Superman and I

He'll never be satisfied

Made it to the beach

Is this the ghost ship?

We're suppose to hear thunder sounds

Where the surf meets the turf

One Please

Lobster Rolls Anyone?

Exploring the town

Pretty Cool

I really like this one

Look at all the ships

Lobster for life!

This state is so beautiful

Time for a fire!

Pretty sure i was this close to being in an Unsolved Mysteries episode

I Missed This

Camp Ready

Looking for a spot to fish

A Family of Deer

Found one

I'm looking for dinner

Another new friend

The shoreline is crazy cool

Right outside the campsite


Looking for more friends

I love the fog

Just a few more photos

One of my life goals was to visit here

Wine Time!

Dinner Time

I Highly Recommend This Wine

A new friend before we leave

And one more fire

With beautiful flames
Episode 38: new hampshire art scene!

Headed Up To The National Park

New Hampshire State Sign

Almost There

OK a little scenic route

And now we walk!

These trees are so beautiful!

Get ready for the art! Hi Lincoln!

The Story Behind Augustus Saint-Gaudens

Some of the work he did!

Now to explore his home and work area


This Is Cool

Superman feels a lot more cultured!

Stay With Me Here

Totally Worth It

Still Wow

Lincoln's Bust

Is That Cupid?

Pendants he help create

The work he did on coins

Some more back stories

I can see myself in this one!

This is all part of his estate!

Now for the farm house!

One of his carriages

Stable Boys Room

This is were the food is stored!

One of my personal favorites because they use this sleigh during the snow!

The Garden

Some fresh apples

Here is the front of the house! (Couldn't go inside)

The side of the house!

Of course superman needed a picture!

More Flowers and Statues in the back

Another work area!

This was just beautiful to me

A lady scared me when I was taking this picture

This part was roped off!

A hidden statue

And were still walking!

Another hidden statue

Heading towards the recording sight

The babbling brook

Take a second to enjoy

Time to learn about ferns

One last piece of art before we go!
Episode 37: Venturing through vermont!

Entering Vermont!

Arrived at the Campsite!

Have you been to the Vermont County Store!

It's A Must To See

Boom Maple Syrup!

And then the trees!

Where to set up the tent?



Now We Cook!

Add Seasoning and Garlic

The Finished Product

Fry The Sausages

Starting the fire

Burn Baby Burn

It's Alive!

Ok now it's on life support

These Buildings are so nice to me

Back on the road

Stay tuned to find out where it goes!
Episode 35: Rhode Island is the island to sea!

Made it to Rhode Island State

Driving Over A Bridge This Time!

These Houses are wow

Is This Place Real!

The Harbor!

On A Stroll!

What's this!


It's Superman on a canon!

And were going!

East Coast Harbor!

Finally My Yacht!


Superman wanted this picture!

If only I had more time!

More History!

And More Walking!

Lory saw this building when she came to RI

1 Mansion

2 Mansion

And 3rd Mansion

The First Sign of the East Coast

The Free Beach!

Ollie Love's the View

Photo Shoot Time!

He Wanted More Scenery!

The Boys

Thing 1!

Thing A!

The East Coast Is Kinda Cold

Finally At The Hotel

Dinner for champions!
Episode 34: A Connecting road to connecticut!

Connecticut Bound

Nothing Like A Red Barn!

There was a temple that looked like this in LAOS!

These Bridges Are Crazy!

The City Where The Glawackus Is From!

Ed and Lorraine Warren House

The Occult Museum Was Closed!
Episode 33: In New York you can make it anywhere!

Episode 32: New Jersey’s Journey!

Episode 31: What to say when were in PA!

On The Road Again!

We Need To Stop In Scranton

Headed To The Pond

Is That A Deer

Why Yes It Is

Another Visitor Center


Ok Heading To The Pond For Real This Time

But First Horses

Made It to the Duck Pond

Ollie Wants To Take A Dip

Superman What Are You Doing

There Sun Bathing

My Mom's Here!

Just Breathtaking

The View

Welcome to Scranton

The Electric City

Does this look familiar!

Cruisin Around

Ohhh Yeahhh

What to order?

PIZZA of course!

Who's Thirsty?

Is Ryan Working?

We Missed IT :/

That's What She Said Drink!

Who Will Win?

Do You See The Sign?

Seafood Anyone?

An Usie!

The Sign From The Show!

The Sharks Better Watch Out!
Episode 30: Stopping By in oHIiiiiio!

Got A Picture In front Of The Sign!

Just Some Scenery

Were Looking For A Waterfall

Still Looking!

We Found A River!

Superman Decided To Fly By!

Another Visitor Center Seen!

And Were Staying In Akron Tonight!
Episode 29: Kentucky might be one of my favorites!

We Made It To Kentucky!

Just One of The Many Little Towns I Passed Through

Almost To Jim Beam!

The Crew Is Ready!

Oh My Gosh!

The Boys on their way to be Men

Still A Ham!

Ok Just One of Me

Beautiful wants in on it

I cant wait to come back for a proper visit

So amazing

It has its own street

National Park Ready!

The scenery is so beautiful

Always try to visit the visitors center

Glad I did cause I'm off on the cave tour!


Here We Gooooo!


We Feel Like Goonies!

Here He Goes Again

These were used to collect resources for the war!

It was a long drop

My Misery LOL

This Cave Is Amazing

A single candle in the dark is so bright!

Maybe I also feel like Indiana Jones

The Real Misery

We made it out!

Ready to camp

-A Moment of Silence-

Take A Minute To Enjoy The View

Trying to start this fire

Camps Ready!

Its Trying To Get Started

This Chicken Sandwich Will Change Your Life!

I Think We Found The Winner!
Episode 28: Tent Ready in Tennessee!

This was a cool visitor center!

Bandy Creek Plaque

Everyone should visit this National Park!

Just Check Out This Scene!

We Made It!

Just Amazing!

I was told once, that I had Champagne Dreams on a Beer Budget! Good thing Miller High Life has me covered!

The Set Up!

Superman Cooking

OK better than the first batch, but still a work in progress!

Finally A Fire Again
Episode 27: Going Strong and truckin on in indiana!

The Nestlé Rabbit!

A Great Podcast To Listen To!

Check Out The Scene

I Might Need To Visit This Town!

This Welcome Sign is the most Unique

The Gates of Lincoln's Boyhood Home

There's a flag in the background if you can see it

A description of Lincoln's mom's gravesite

The View Is Amazing

Lincoln's Mom's Tombstone

A Illustration of the family Farm!

A description of Lincoln's cabin

I might frame this picture

Superman's back at it

Cabin's on the land!

Another Cabin on the Property

Can you see the Squirrel

Just Nature

Just WOW

A plague describing the memorial

This Beautiful Visitor Center

Lincoln in Indiana

The Boys!

The Indiana Welcome Sign
Episode 26: Michigan And were campin again!

Before The Set Up!

Do You All See The View!

Ready To Camp!

It's Story Time With The Boys!

Morning's Out In Michigan!

There's A Lake!!!

The Campgrounds!

On The Road Again!

Doesn't This Look Like Broccoli!

A Firefly Wanted To Listen!
Episode 25: We’re livin it up in the windy city!

Through the storm!

After The Storm!

It Returns!

Late Night Shenanigans!

The Shenanigan!

City Livin'

Check This Out

What's That!

What A Ham!

The Bean!

Check This Out!

One Picture With Me In It!

He's At It Again

This Place Had SOOO Many Reviews!

A Chicago Deep Dish!
Episode 24: Wisconsin Livin’!

We Made It!

On Our Way To Wisconsin!

Visiting St. Croix River

So Pretty!

Just Uhhhh!

So Glad We Made It Here!

The Fresh Water Muscle's I Mentioned In The River!

Just Hanging Around The Local Town!

Check Out The Sky!

Entering The City Life!

Check Out The Bay!

It's The Lighthouse!

City View By The Bay!

What A Ham!

Just One More Photo!

Ok Ollie Needed One Too!
Episode 23: Visiting St Olaf in Minnesota!

On the road again!

We Made It!!

And again on the road!

Ready to do a REMIX!

He's at it again!

Here's the Babbling Brook!


What A Ham!

The REMIX Crew!

The Crew In Minnesota!

Rose Nylund's Home Town!
Episode 22: Iowa was fun!

Sergeant Floyd River Museum!

It's a canoe!

The Replica for this ship!

Do you see what I see!

I'll take it from here!

So this is how it was done!

Iowa Baby!

This a crazy reenactment

Maybe inspiration for my new office

Superman's Driving!!!

A new listener



A bigger reenactment

The first time he's seen a prairie dog

This was magnificent!

Crazy! Cool!

Beware the Bear!
Episode 21: nebraska in half a day!

We Made It To Nebraska!

Check Out The History Of This Park!


You Gotta Love The Water Flow!

Enjoy It!

Superman Is Camera Ready!

Ollie Just Chillin

The Falls Were Just Amazing

Your Seeing The Missouri River Here Ya'll!

In Our Natural Habitat!

What A Ham!

Check Out This State Park!
Episode 20: South Dakota was the biggest success so far!

Wine Night!

I'm part of their pack now!

The Corgo Crew!

Finally The Trip Is Paid For

Home Slice!

It's time to SMASH!

I promise I'm working!

Ohhhhh Yeahhh!

Don't be crabby its time to eat!

When Nature Attacks!

If you don't know this I don't know what you've been doing with your life!

In My Element

You Know How I Do!


The Sunset it outta this world


He's at it again



My New Intern!

There's a PANDEMIC!

Fourth of July!

Loads of New Friends!

I'm Hungry Now!

We're still Fancy!

Finally A Fire!

It's time to record

I Couldn't Resist!

Gold Miners Use to Live Here

Look at the Presidents

I didn't know there were 5 heads!

This was Amazing
Episode 19: And the impromptu story telling!

My New Friends John and Kim

The Great Plains

Up Close And Personal With Freddy's Cousin!

We Made It To The National Park

Welcome To My Crib!

North Dakota Bound!


Superman Is A Part Of History!

Just WOW!

Do You See The Buffalo!


I Can't Even Know What To Say

The Prairie Dogs!
Episode 18: On The run in Montana!

So Amazing


We Made It To Montana

Achieving A Dream Here


I Swear This isn't from a Magazine



National Geographic Ready

Just The Tip

Its a bird! Its a plane! Its Superman!

This Cool Guy

I'm blinded by the beauty

I promise I'm actually visiting these places

I've seen so many of these

Maybe Just One

The Boys!

Told You I Had A Robe On!

All The Boys

The Color of this sky is out of this world
Episode 17: washingtons done and were on to the next one!

Were Almost To Stop 3!

And We Made It!!!

Olympic National Park!

Just Amazing

We Camped By A Lake

The Set Up

It's A Good Day To Podcast

He's At It Again

Ollie Ollie Olllie

What's Cooking Tonight?

OK Maybe It Was Watery But Still Edible

I Mean This Is Just Amazing!

The Fires Starting


Almost Time To Record

Dylan Started The Fire!! (Do You Get The Reference)


Its A Little Gloomy

On The Road Again

Is That Snow?
Episode 16: Second Stop on the trip and already feel so accomplished

A New Fire!

A Family Restaurant Visit!

Superman Being Himself!

Just Cruisin Around Oregon

The View!!

Oregon! We Made It!

Is That Claude?

He's At It Again

Salmon Run

Lets Go To The Beach!

Thank You Susan!

On The Search For Claude

I Recommend This!

How Freakin Amazing



I Mean Come On

You Should Definitely Stop Here!

It Taste Better Than You Think!

In The Moment
Episode 15: On the road! LA get ready!

The Whip!


The LA Campfire

A New CampFire!

The Audience in LA!

Were on the road again!

Take in the scene!

This Guy!

Just Wow!

Can We Take A Sec To Enjoy!
Episode 14: And thats a Wrap! Adventure here we come!!

"If We Smile He Will Stop"- Them

Did Someone Order A Pizza Delivery!

Just One More Before The Trip!

Hello Everyone!

The Biggest Audience Ever!

In The Mix

And Lets Do This!

The Group!

Just Warming My Feet By The Fire!

Our Very Own Coven!
Episode 13: And we’re still going!!

"Maybe Just One" - Estrella

You Gotta Love Breadsticks

The Fires Back On

Our Special Guest This Episode

I Missed The OG Fire

In The Vault!
Episode 12: It’s Time To Break It Down

Don't Worry There's S'MORES For Everyone!

Lets Break It Down Real Quick!

It Starts With A Marshmallow!

Any Second Now!

S'more Please!!

Hot Coals!

And That's A Wrap!

So Fresh & So Clean!

Thank You Nancy!!!

Lets Do This!

It All Begins With A Small Flame!

Lola's One Of Our Favorite Interns!!!

Pinky's Up

Some Of The Best Audience Members Ever!

Ready For The Big News!

Its A Campfire!

Campfire Story Bound!

And What!

CHEERS To The News!

The Campfire Wood Wall Is Done!
Episode 10: At a new fire! Here we go again!

Part of the Rainy Day Project!

A New New Campfire!
Stated A Rainy Day Project, Stay Tune!

"Peace & Podcast for life" - Bestfriend

An OG audience member!

The Ladies!!!

"How Long Is He Just Going To Sit There And Take Picture!" - The Ladies

Cheers to EP 10!
Episode 9: We want S’more Episodes

And Then A Roaring Flame!

Some of the OG's

"Told You He'd Be Back For Another Episode"-Kev P.S. "PODCAST!"

S'mores Please!

A Campfire Starts With A Flicker!


Try The White Hershey's Chocolate It'll Change Your Life!

Giving Me Life And Its Everything!

A Fallen Marshmallow

Pretty Sure Thats The Little Dipper!!

Welcome our newest intern Lola!

The newest crew!

The first gift for Campfire Adventures Podcast! Thank You Guys!

During the recording process!

I'll Cheers To That!

The Beginning Of a New Fire!


"PODCASTS FOREVER" - Jaime & Devin

A Bonus Fire the Next Day!

Its time to Party with a Podcast
Episode 7: i think were getting good at this!

The Campfire Wood is getting better

Its time for another story!!



During the story!

Some OG guests

We have someone new listening!

Blankets ready please!

Recording under the full moon!

And that's a wrap!
EPISode 6: Is pretty Sick!!

Driving up to the Hotel del Coronado

Meeting the mannequin of Kate Morgan

The Largest Physical Audience we've had!!

Its Podcast Time!

Beautiful Campfire #6

Our intern has been promoted to guardian of the firewood wall!!
Episode 5: Campfire Adventures #5

The beginning of fire number 5

The Ladies!!

Up close and personal with fire #5
Episode 4: Morning Campfire Adventure

Nothing like a cup of joe and a story!

Lets start a fire!

The wall continues!
Episode 3: The many looks of Campfire 3!

Episode 2: Here’s how its done!

The Hardest Working Intern We Have!

BEFORE..Wait for it....

Welcome to the crew Tina and Damian


.... AFTER

"We want episode 3 already"-Mom

All done, time to kick my feet up!

The beginning of our firewood wall!
EPIOSDE 1 & All It’s fun!




A BEGinners guide to building a fire!
It wouldn’t be a behind the scenes without a video right? So here’s one of what it took to build our first campfire. Apparently you need some commentary, some pieces of wood thrown beside you and if that doesn’t work then kindling and a lighter will do the trick. Take some notes if you need to, but don’t worry my fire building skills can only get better from here.