Welcome to our 100th episode, let’s play a game shall we! Ok maybe not for real but a game is the inspiration for this special episode. For Christmas I was given a game called Horrified: American Monsters and it’s about saving a town from cryptids such as: Bigfoot, the Chupacabra, Mothman, Jersey Devil, the Ozark Howler, and one more cryptids that we actually haven’t told a story about. So for this episode I’d like to introduce you all to the Banshee of the Badlands! SHe roams the ground of the South Dakota National Park and waits for unsuspecting travelers to come her way. Be warned she is never truly alone and she isn’t interested in hearing stories of your travels. Take a listen to this week's episode to learn more about this Banshee but also to help us celebrate a major milestone for our podcast! Cheers to the 100th episode!
Badlands National Park, South Dakota
Welcome to the Badlands National Park
A look inside the Badlands
Another depiction of the Banshee of the Badlands
What I imagine the Banshee’s partner in crime looking like
The board game that inspired the 100th episode
For the story:
Skinner, C. M. (2020, December). Banshee Of The Bad Lands. Legends of America. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.legendsofamerica.com/sd-bansheebadlands/
admin, & Small Town Myths. (2020, March 27). Myths, Urban Legends, and Scary Stories. Small Town Myths. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://smalltownmyths.com/banshee-of-the-badlands/
Ski, T. (2014, November 24). The Mystery & Myths of the Badlands. ActiveRain. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://activerain.com/blogsview/4545029/the-mystery---myths-of-the-badlands
National Park Service. (2020, December 8). Badlands National Park (U.S). National Park Service. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.nps.gov/badl/index.htm
Johnson, A., & Anderson, J. (2022). Legends Of The National Parks: Badland's Banshee. Anderson Design Group. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.andersondesigngroupstore.com/a/collections/61-american-national-parks/legends-of-the-national-parks-badlands-banshee
Michaels, D. (2022, January 26). The Badlands Banshee. Denver Michaels. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.denvermichaels.net/the-badlands-banshee/
Travel South Dakota. (n.d.). Badlands National Park| Explore South Dakota's Great 8. Travel South Dakota. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.travelsouthdakota.com/explore-with-us/great-8/badlands
Wonderopolis. (n.d.). What Is a Butte? Wonderopolis. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/what-is-a-butte
Badlands Natural History Association. (n.d.). Badlands National Park Wildlife. Badlands Natural History Association. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.badlandsnha.org/56/wildlife.htm
Merriam-Webster. (2023, January 13). Banshee Definition & Meaning. Merriam-Webster. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/banshee
For the Image:
National Park Maps. (n.d.). Badlands Maps | NPMaps.com. National Park Maps. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from http://npmaps.com/badlands/
Anderson Design Group, Johnson, A., & Anderson, J. (2022). Legends Of The National Parks: Badland's Banshee. Anderson Design Group. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.andersondesigngroupstore.com/a/collections/61-american-national-parks/legends-of-the-national-parks-badlands-banshee/9194512903
Skinner, C. M. (2020, December). Banshee Of The Bad Lands. Legends of America. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.legendsofamerica.com/sd-bansheebadlands/
Bay, S. (2022, October 26). Badlands National Park Has Stunning Landscapes and Diverse Wildlife — Here's How to Experience It. Travel + Leisure. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/national-parks/badlands-national-park
More Than Just Parks. (2023, January 5). 20 EPIC Things to Do in Badlands National Park (Photos + Video). More Than Just Parks. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://morethanjustparks.com/things-to-do-badlands/
PNGWing. (n.d.). Violin technique Human skeleton Illustration, Skeleton playing a violin, human, violin, cartoon png. PNGWing. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.pngwing.com/en/free-png-bmipc
Puddletown Games & Puzzles. (n.d.). Horrified: American Monsters. Puddletown Games & Puzzles. Retrieved January 17, 2023, from https://www.puddletowngames.com/horrified-american-monsters.html