Have you even been sleeping when suddenly your eyes just open and dang it your awake, but that's not all when you try to roll over and fall back asleep you realize you cant move?!! Well if you have, don't worry because 1 out of every 3 people experience this. However, have you ever wondered why this happened? Maybe it's just our bodies still sleeping, maybe your actually dreaming or maybe its a creature called The Night Hag whose chosen you as their victim for the night. Yes, there is a creature out there who visits you while you sleep and paralyzes your body, but that's not all they also take a bit of your soul to eat. Listen to todays episode and find out what The Night Hag is and if there is anything you can do to protect yourself.
A depictions of a The Night Hags visit
Watch the movie Gerald’s Game on Netflix
The little Knome (Night Hag) Estrella Mentioned
Symptoms of Sleep Paralysis
The Netflix show EVIL, It wasn’t Velma by the way
For the story:
Fandom. (n.d.). Night hag. Forgotten Realms.Fandom. Retrieved 6 06, 2021, from https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Night_hag
Stanborough, R. J. (2020, 07 20). Understanding ‘Old Hag’ Syndrome: What It Means When You’re Paralyzed in Your Sleep. Healthline. Retrieved 6 06, 2021, from https://www.healthline.com/health/sleep/isolated-sleep-paralysis#treatment
Sinister Coffee and Creamery. (2020, 5 08). The Old Hag. Sinister Coffee and Creamery. Retrieved 6 06, 2021, from https://www.sinistercoffeeandcreamery.com/blog/theoldhag
Mordred. (2020, 7 06). The Old Hag: The Origin of Nightmares. Amino Apps. Retrieved 6 06, 2021, from https://aminoapps.com/c/pagans-witches/page/blog/the-old-hag-the-origin-of-nightmares/QKn0_VLjiXuJvpMYWEWl7J4qnx8P8DZmkQn
Turner, A. (2020, 7 23). Canadian Urban Legends: Newfoundlanders Can Tell You All About the Old Hag. Nuvo Magazine. Retrieved 6 06, 2021, from https://nuvomagazine.com/culture/canadian-urban-legends-newfoundlanders-can-tell-you-all-about-the-old-hag
For the Image:
Baker, T. (2015, 7 14). When You Close Your Eyes. Magazines.Augusta. Retrieved 6 08, 2021, from https://magazines.augusta.edu/2015/07/14/when-you-close-your-eyes/
The Raven Report. (2017, 02 21). Finding Lilith: The Most Powerful Hag in History. The Raven Report. Retrieved 6 08, 2021, from https://theravenreport.com/2017/02/21/finding-lilith-the-most-powerful-hag-in-history/
Peters, B., & Sweigard, J. (2020, 05 12). What Are the Scary Symptoms and Hallucinations of Sleep Paralysis? Very Well Health. Retrieved 06 08, 2021, from https://www.verywellhealth.com/symptoms-of-sleep-paralysis-3014781
Martin, H. (2018, 04 13). Mythical Monsters: Sleep Paralysis Figures. AMHS News Paper. Retrieved 6 07, 2021, from https://amhsnewspaper.com/20331/mythical-monsters/mythical-monsters-sleep-paralysis-figures/
Adelgaard, K. ". (2020, 10 01). Evil: Season 1 – Review (Netflix US). Heaven of Horror. Retrieved 06 07, 2021, from https://www.heavenofhorror.com/reviews/evil-season-1-netflix/
IMDb. (2017, 9 29). Gerald's Game (2017). IMDb. Retrieved 6 07, 2021, from https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3748172/