Let's say you come face to face with a cryptid and live to tell the tale, do you tell someone? I know the first thing you're thinking, I bet if I tell someone they are going to call me crazy, but what happens if they don't? On today's episode of Campfire Adventures we are introduced to a kid named Christopher Davis and on a super early drive he had some car trouble and had to pull over next to a well known swamp. He gets out and fixes the car and just when he gets ready to leave he hears wet sounding footsteps creep closer and closer to him. As he gets in the car and locks the door he is frightened when a giant lizard-like creature tries to force its way into his car. He gets away just barely and rushes back to town to tell anyone who will listen to his story, but do they believe him or do they just brush him off? Take a listen and hear of the fate that awaits both Christopher and this mysterious swamp creature.

Bishopville, South Carolina on a map

Scape Ore Swamp

A breakdown of everything Lizard Man

Another depiction of the Lizard Man

A poster for the Lizard Man


For the story:

  1. South Carolina Public Radio. (2018, June 15). 30 Years Later, the Legend of the Lizard Man Lives on in Bishopville. South Carolina Public Radio. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.southcarolinapublicradio.org/sc-news/2018-06-15/30-years-later-the-legend-of-the-lizard-man-lives-on-in-bishopville

  2. Jarvis, R. (2017, October 27). The Mythical Creature That Tormented A Small South Carolina Town Will Give You Nightmares. Only In Your State. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.onlyinyourstate.com/south-carolina/lizard-man-of-scape-ore-swamp-sc/amp/

  3. FANDOM. (n.d.). Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp. Cryptid Wiki. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Lizard_Man_of_Scape_Ore_Swamp

  4. Egan, K. (n.d.). Beware the Lizard Man! South Carolina Tourism. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://discoversouthcarolina.com/articles/beware-the-lizard-man

  5. Field, C. (2019, June 3). People still talking about South Carolina's weirdest legend; festival held 3 decades later. WYFF. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.wyff4.com/article/people-still-talking-about-south-carolinas-weirdest-legend-festival-held-3-decades-later/27703855#

  6. Tyson, S. (2015, August 2). Has Bishopville's 'lizard man' returned? New video surfaces in case. WCIV. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://abcnews4.com/archive/has-bishopvilles-lizard-man-returned-photo-apparently-shows-fabled-sc-creature

For the Image:

  1. TownMapsUSA. (n.d.). Map of Bishopville, SC, South Carolina. TownMapsUSA.com. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from http://townmapsusa.com/d/map-of-bishopville-south-carolina-sc/bishopville_sc

  2. Bickel, C. (2015, August 3). South Carolina woman reports sighting of 'Lizard Man,' captures photo evidence. Dangerous Minds. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://dangerousminds.net/comments/south_carolina_woman_reports_sighting_of_lizard_man

  3. Field, C. (2019, June 3). People still talking about South Carolina's weirdest legend; festival held 3 decades later. WYFF. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.wyff4.com/article/people-still-talking-about-south-carolinas-weirdest-legend-festival-held-3-decades-later/27703855#

  4. USGS. (2000, July 31). Scape Ore Swamp near Bishopville, South Carolina. USGS Publications Repository. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/circ1173/circ1173a/chapter12.htm

  5. South Carolina Public Radio. (2018, June 15). 30 Years Later, the Legend of the Lizard Man Lives on in Bishopville. South Carolina Public Radio. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://www.southcarolinapublicradio.org/sc-news/2018-06-15/30-years-later-the-legend-of-the-lizard-man-lives-on-in-bishopville

  6. FANDOM. (n.d.). Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp. Myths and Folklore Wiki. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://mythus.fandom.com/wiki/Lizard_Man_of_Scape_Ore_Swamp

  7. FANDOM. (n.d.). Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp. It's Something Wiki. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://itsmth.fandom.com/wiki/Lizard_Man_of_Scape_Ore_Swamp

  8. Lutz, A. (2015, July 3). Professors Search for Lizard Man in S.C. The College Today. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://today.cofc.edu/2015/07/03/lizard-man-sightings/


