Ep 1: Is Philinnion a vampire?


A young woman named Philinnion is taken from our world to soon. As time goes on the new inhabitant of her room starts to have a nightly visitor. Who are they, what do they want and why are they here???

Campfire Adventures is a weekly podcast that shares the telling of scary stories around a campfire. The stories might sound CRAZY maybe even CREEPY, but more importantly the time we spend together will be COOL. With help from guests and commentary from the audience, our narrator (Dylan) welcomes you to enjoy listening to each weeks tale.

Picture of Philinnion.jpg

Source MAterials:

For the story:

  1. Mark, J. J. (2019, January 24). An Ancient Ghost Story: Philinnion & Machates. World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://www.ancient.eu/article/763/an-ancient-ghost-story-philinnion--machates/

  2. TV Tropes. (n.d.). The Ghost of Philinnion. TV Tropes. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheGhostOfPhilinnion

  3. Unruh, D. (2017, October 14). Ancient Spookiness I: Vampires. HISTORIAI. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://danielbunruh.wordpress.com/2017/10/14/ancient-spookiness-i-vampires/

  4. Lu, J. M. (2020, January 4). Greek Mythology and Life After Death. The Collector. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://www.thecollector.com/greek-mythology-and-life-after-death/


For the Image:

  1. McDaniel, S. (2017, February 5). Ancient Greek Ghost Stories, Part Three: How the Ancient Greeks Invented the Vampire Romance Story. Tales of Times Forgotten. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://talesoftimesforgotten.com/2017/02/05/ancient-greek-ghost-stories-part-three-how-the-ancient-greeks-invented-the-vampire-romance-story/


  2. TV Tropes. (n.d.). The Ghost of Philinnion. TV Tropes. Retrieved February 23, 2021, from https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Literature/TheGhostOfPhilinnion


EP 2: The haunting of baleroy mansion!