Have you ever heard the saying that first impressions are everything? Well if you have, then maybe before you show up to whatever occasion your invited to you might dress up a little to present the best image of yourself. Now with that said have you ever wondered if monsters might think the same thing? Well if you haven't then maybe after you hear this episode you might change your mind. In South Dakota there lives a beast that is known to the locals as the Taku-He and if he wasn't wearing his signature look then you might mistake him for his cousin Bigfoot! Listen to this weeks episode so you know what distinguishes the Taku-He from Bigfoot and exactly what he is capable of doing. P.S. I'm still alive!!! So, so far so good on this road trip! Enjoy the episode!
An image showing the county the Taku-He calls home
Another image depicting the Taku-He
For the story:
Harkness, J. (2019, 11 13). South Dakota’s Most Famous Mythical Creature Isn’t the Jackalope Read More: South Dakota’s Most Famous Mythical Creature Isn’t the Jackalope | https://b1027.com/south-dakotas-most-famous-mythical-creature-isnt-the-jackalope/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medi. B102.7. Retrieved 26 26, 07, from https://b1027.com/south-dakotas-most-famous-mythical-creature-isnt-the-jackalope/
Wolfstoria. (2016, 03 22). Taku-He. Wolfstoria. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from https://www.wolfstoria.com/werewoofs/taku-he/
Fandom. (n.d.). Taku-He. Fandom. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from https://maelwood-engl351.fandom.com/wiki/Taku-He
Coleman, L. (2007, 09 07). Taku-He and Cows in South Dakota. Cryptomundo. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from http://cryptomundo.com/cryptozoo-news/taku-he/
Davidson, B. (2019, 03 20). The American Bestiary: The Most Famous Mythical Creature of Every US State, Illustrated. Cash Net USA. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from https://www.cashnetusa.com/blog/most-famous-mythical-creature-of-every-us-state-illustrated/
For the Image:
Davidson, B. (2019, 03 20). The American Bestiary: The Most Famous Mythical Creature of Every US State, Illustrated. Cash Net USA. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from https://www.cashnetusa.com/blog/most-famous-mythical-creature-of-every-us-state-illustrated/
MattGyver. (2020). CRYPTOBER 2020. MattGyver. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from https://www.mattgyver.com/cryptober
Charlie. (2020, 04 21). Mysterious South Dakota – Legends of Banshees, Water Beasts and a Weird Bigfoot and the Haunting of Bullock Hotel. The Weekly Rambler. Retrieved 07 26, 2021, from https://theweeklyrambler.com/tag/taku-he/