Let me ask you a question? Do any of you out there ever wonder if there is some inter galactic war happening between different mythical creatures? Well I do, and actually in this episode we might hear hints of this being a reality for The Tennessee Wildman and a cryptid we discussed in a previous episode. Described as a large, strong and fearsome creature, this Wildman broke out of his confides and escaped into the wild. Since the 1800's people have feared coming face to face with this monster and to be completely honest … they should be! I hear this cryptid is aggressive and has a distinctive smell one soon wouldn't forget! So check out today's episode and hear it's tale now.
McNairy, Tennessee on a map!
Another description of the The Tennessee Wildman
A Newspaper Clipping About The Wildman!
A picture of Rob Phillips the man who survived a Wildman encounter!
You can watch A Haunting on Amazon now!
For the story:
Cryptidz.Fandom. (n.d.). Tennessee Wildman. FANDOM. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Tennessee_Wildman
Anderson, D. (2020, 08 21). “A Strange and Frightful Being” – Appalachia’s Folklore Creatures Part 3. Appalachiabare. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from https://www.appalachiabare.com/a-strange-and-frightful-being-appalachias-folklore-creatures-part-3/
McClean, S. (1871, 05 05). The Tennessee Wild Man....1871. Bigfoot Encounters. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/mcnairyTN.htm
Rader, A. (2015, 01 15). Local man recounts encounter with Tennessee Wildman for Tv show. Elizabethton Star. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from https://m.elizabethton.com/2015/01/15/local-man-recounts-encounter-with-tennessee-wildman-for-tv-show
For the Image:
Bigfoot-lives. (n.d.). Bigfoot News Stories. Bigfoot-lives. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from http://www.bigfoot-lives.com/html/the_tennessee_wildman.html
McClean, S. (1871, 05 05). The Tennessee Wild Man....1871. Bigfoot Encounters. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from http://www.bigfootencounters.com/articles/mcnairyTN.htm
Cryptidz.Fandom. (n.d.). Tennessee Wildman. FANDOM. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Tennessee_Wildman
Rader, A. (2015, 01 15). Local man recounts encounter with Tennessee Wildman for Tv show. Elizabethton Star. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from https://m.elizabethton.com/2015/01/15/local-man-recounts-encounter-with-tennessee-wildman-for-tv-show
Cohen, B. (n.d.). 42_Tennessee_Tennessee Wildman. THE GATE. Retrieved 09 22, 2021, from https://thegate.boardingarea.com/the-most-famous-mythical-creature-of-every-state-in-the-united-states-illustrated/42_tennessee_tennessee-wildman/