I think the words Honey Island might mislead the average adventurer into thinking that maybe this creature isn't as scary as it could be. But, if you've listened to an episode of this podcasts you'd know that if the other two words in a creatures name are ... SWAMP MONSTER ... that means its time to grab your blanket. Hailing all the way from the southeast side of Louisiana I'd like to introduce you all to Bigfoots cousin the Honey Island Swamp Monster. From generation to generation there have been tales told of a 7ft tall being with large webbed feet that roams the swamps of Louisiana. From what I was able to find, those tales are in fact true!
The Honey Island Swamp
Actual Mold of The Honey Island Swamp Monsters Foot
Harlan Ford and the molds he made of The Honey Island Swamp Monsters Tracks!
Dana Holyfield the granddaughter of Harlan Ford
A Google image of how close the NASA center is to the Pearl River!
For the story:
Mikells, B. (2014, 01 22). Cajun Sasquatch? Here's where to look for him. 973 The Dawg. Retrieved 04 09, 2021, from https://973thedawg.com/cajun-sasquatch-heres-where-to-look-for-him-video/
PearlRiver Eco-Tours. (n.d.). Honey Island Swamp Legends. PearlRiver Eco-Tours. Retrieved 04 09, 2021, from http://www.pearlriverecotours.com/legends
Fandom. (n.d.). Honey Island Swamp Monster. Fandom. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from https://cryptidz.fandom.com/wiki/Honey_Island_Swamp_Monster
Watson, M. (2018, 10 30). Werewolves of the swamp, the Loup-garou has terrorized South Louisiana for decades. The Vermilion. Retrieved 10 04, 2021, from https://www.thevermilion.com/news/werewolves-of-the-swamp-the-loup-garou-has-terrorized-south/article_54a5d318-dbf4-11e8-8afb-cbfab9e31e2a.html
Gladow, D. (n.d.). Have you heard of the Cajun legend of the Letiche? The Louisiana Weekend. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from https://www.thelouisianaweekend.com/cajun-legend-letiche/
Louisiana Destination. (n.d.). Honey Island Swamp in Southeast Louisiana. Louisiana Destinations. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from https://www.louisiana-destinations.com/honey-island-swamp-louisiana.htm
MDWFP. (2021, 02 18). WMA Spotlight: Pearl River Wildlife Management Area. MDWFP. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from https://www.mdwfp.com/media/news/wildlife-hunting/wma-spotlight-pearl-river-wildlife-management-area/
Experience New Orleans. (n.d.). Cajuns and Creoles. Experience New Orleans. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from http://www.experienceneworleans.com/cajun.html#:~:text=Cajuns%20are%20the%20French%20colonists,Acadians%2C%20to%20defend%20the%20kingdom.
For the Image:
Abita Mystery House. (n.d.). Honey Island Swamp Monster Footprint. Abita Mystery House. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from http://abitamysteryhouse.com/honeyislandswampmonster.htm
Honey Island Swamp Monster By Dana Holyfield. (n.d.). Honey Island Swamp Monster. Honey Island Swamp Monster By Dana Holyfield. Retrieved 04 12, 2021, from https://swampmonster.weebly.com/
Louisiana Northshore. (n.d.). HONEY ISLAND SWAMP. Louisiana Northshore. Retrieved 04 13, 2021, from https://www.louisiananorthshore.com/things-to-do/outdoors/honey-island-swamp/
Justice, B. (2019, 12 24). Real monsters in Honey Island Swamp. Bayou Justice. Retrieved 04 13, 2021, from https://bayoujustice.com/2019/12/real-monsters-in-honey-island-swamp/
Google Maps. (2021). John C. Stennis Space Center (Address). Google Maps. Retrieved 04 09, 2021, from https://www.google.com/maps/place/John+C.+Stennis+Space+Center,+MS/@30.3609525,-89.6535864,12.48z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x889dc4c3b42067bf:0x443d5689865b14e!8m2!3d30.3619837!4d-89.5994225
McBeardy, K. (2019). The Honey Island Swamp Monster. Artstation. Retrieved 04 10, 2021, from https://www.artstation.com/artwork/OyOBdK