Happy 3rd Birthday Campfire Adventures! We’ve made it another full year! Thank you to everyone out there in podcastland for listening to our Crazy, Creepy, but Cool stories. It’s been a fun year and I can’t wait to share more adventures and episodes with you for the next year. For this week's episode I wasn’t able to find a story about an Irish Vampire like I've done for the last 2 years, but will a witch work? She is known as the Dame Alice Kyteler and back in the 1300’s she became the reason for the first witch trials in Ireland. Lets see...this episode includes money, power and mysterious deaths. So take a listen and enjoy!
Kilkenny, Ireland on a Map!
The Kyteler’s Inn
A statue of Dame Alice Kyteler
For the story:
Historic Kilkenny. (n.d.). Dame Alice Kyteler. Historic Kilkenny. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.historickilkenny.com/alice-kyteler
Kytelers Inn. (n.d.). Pubs in Kilkenny | Dame Alice Kyteler. Kytelers Inn. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.kytelersinn.com/dame-alice-kyteler/
History Ireland. (n.d.). History Ireland. History Ireland. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.historyireland.com/the-sorcery-trial-of-alice-kyteler-by-bernadette-williams/
Atteberry, T. (2018, October 22). The story of Dame Alice Kyteler of Kilkenny, accused 14th century witch. Gothic horror stories. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.gothichorrorstories.com/witchcraft-and-magick/dame-alice-kyteler-witch-of-kilkenny/
Britannica. (2024, March 9). Norman | History, Culture & Language. Britannica. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.britannica.com/topic/Norman-people
For the Video:
YouTube. (2009, June 3). Queen Latifah - U.N.I.T.Y. YouTube. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://youtu.be/f8cHxydDb7o?si=QvLEzHAoWlb6dGv_
For the Image:
Bizlocator. (n.d.). Kytlers Inn Kilkenny is a pub steeped in history. With live music and food. Bizlocator. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://bizlocator.ie/listings/kytelers-inn/
Massey, A. (2016, September 29). WITCHES OF IRELAND PART 1 – ALICE KYTELER, THE BLACK WIDOW OF KILKENNY. dark emerald tales. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://darkemeraldtales.com/2016/09/29/witches-of-ireland-part-1-alice-kyteler-the-black-widow-of-kilkenny/
Nobre, M. (2022, November 26). Alice Kyteler -A Bruxa de Kilkenny. Essa é a história de Alice Kyteler, a primeira mulher a ser condenada por bruxaria na Irlanda. Portal Euclidense. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.portaleuclidense.com.br/noticia/34563/alice-kyteler-a-bruxa-de-kilkenny-essa-e-a-historia-de-alice-kyteler-a-primeira-mulher-a-ser-condenada-por-bruxaria-na-irlanda
Walton, J. C. (2023, March 16). County Kilkenny, Ireland Genealogy • FamilySearch. FamilySearch. Retrieved March 17, 2024, from https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/County_Kilkenny,_Ireland_Genealogy