Welcome back to another episode of Campfire Adventures. Now that we are all caught up on our road trip episodes it's time to open up our stories worldwide. So as a special thank you to our Portuguese audience we are covering the story of La Santa Compaña. They are a group of phantom marchers that travel from town to town with a mission. These marchers head out around midnight and creep closer to a town while chanting and holding candles. Once they make their march there is almost no way to keep them from achieving their goals, but I do share a few ways you can try to protect yourself from their wrath in this episode. Take a listen and enjoy!
Portugal on a map!
A depiction of the human guide used
An image of a divine hand gesture
Another depiction of La Santa Compaña
For the story:
Mamacos, K. (2020, June 7). Portuguese Mythology, Legends & Gods From Ancient Iberia & Catholic Portugal. Travel n History. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://travelnhistory.com/legends/portuguese-mythology/
Vivecamino. (n.d.). La Santa Compaña: La leyenda gallega más extendida. Vivecamino. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://vivecamino.com/en/la-santa-compana-la-leyenda-gallega-mas-extendida-no-71/amp/
Villains.Fandom. (n.d.). La Santa Compaña. Villains Wiki. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/La_Santa_Compa%C3%B1a
Cortés, H., & Sadurni, J. M. (2020, October 31). La lúgubre Santa Compaña. Historia National Geographic. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/lugubre-santa-compana_15774/amp
Turismo Enxebre. (2009). La leyenda de la Santa Compaña en Galicia. Turismo Enxebre. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from http://www.turismoenxebre.com/2009/08/la-leyenda-de-la-santa-compana-en.html?m=1
Casanova, F. (2010, November 22). Leyenda de la Santa Compaña. Historias de nuestra Historia. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://hdnh.es/la-santa-compana/
For the Image:
Mythus.Fandom. (n.d.). Myths and Folklore Wiki. Fandom. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://mythus.fandom.com/wiki/Santa_Compa%C3%B1a?file=Santa_Compa%25C3%25B1a_Pontevedra_01-04.jpg
Iglesias, E. (n.d.). La leyenda de la Santa Compaña en Galicia. Turismo Enxebre. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from http://www.turismoenxebre.com/2009/08/la-leyenda-de-la-santa-compana-en.html
World Atlas. (2021, February 24). Portugal Maps & Facts. World Atlas. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://www.worldatlas.com/maps/portugal
Wikiwand. (n.d.). Santa Compaña. Wikiwand. Retrieved June 7, 2022, from https://www.wikiwand.com/es/Santa_Compa%C3%B1a
Esparza, D. (2016, June 12). What do the hand gestures in icons mean? Aleteia. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from https://aleteia.org/2016/06/12/what-do-hand-gestures-in-icons-mean/