With all the other stories we've covered on the Podcast I'm surprised its taken this long to cover a story of Werewolves, but don't worry were going to fix that today! So Werewolves, what's the deal are they real or are they fake? Well listen to todays episode and find out whether its a potion, or a belt or maybe even a signed contract that gives them their power. More importantly, I'll tell you how to survive and attack if you ever come in contact with one. By the end of the episode you decide whether they are or real or fake.
What I’d look like if I could turn into a Werewolf!
Here’s how Peter Stubbe was depicted as a Werewolf in the newspaper.
Bedburg, Germany on a map
A depiction of Mrs. Gregg seeing a Werewolf from her window!
A perfect breakdown of everything that makes a Werewolf a Werewolf
A photo someone caught of a real Werewolf
Source mAterials:
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