In 1973 an event would take place in Jackson County, Mississippi that would forever live in infamy. Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker decided to take a fishing trip to Pascagoula River and spend the whole day trying to reel in the biggest fish. Day slowly faded into night and the two saw a light slowly approaching them and thought it must be the sheriff. To their surprise it turned into an Unidentified Flying Object and at that moment the two knew they were in real trouble. For years these two lived turmoil over people either believing them or calling them crazy. It wasn't until 50 years in the future that the county's view of the two changed and an unexpected revelation to what actually happened that night would come to light. Check out the latest episode of Campfire Adventures and don't forget to get your blankets ready! Enjoy!

Charles and Calvin’s 1973 interview about their Alien Abduction


Jackson County, Mississippi on a Map


Charles Hickson (left) and Calvin Parker (right)


Pascagoula River on a map


A depiction of the Aliens and the UFO Charles and Calvin saw


A sign memorializing the events that took place in 1973


Maria Blair the witness who corroborates that Charles and Calvin were abducted


Calvin Parker’s book recounting the experience he had in Pascagoula


Charles Hickson own book about the abduction of 1973



For the story:

  1. Broom, B. (2020, July 13). 'They didn't make it up.' Interview recording surfaces in Pascagoula alien abduction case. The Clarion-Ledger. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/2020/07/13/pascagoula-ufo-alien-abduction-case-interview-recording-has-surfaced/3264064001/

  2. WLOX Staff. (2020, October 11). On This Day: 47 years pass since Pascagoula Alien Abduction. WLOX. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.wlox.com/2020/10/11/this-day-years-pass-since-pascagoula-alien-abduction/

  3. FOX10TV. (2019, June 24). Historical marker commemorates reported alien abduction in Pascagoula. FOX10 News. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.fox10tv.com/news/historical-marker-commemorates-reported-alien-abduction-in-pascagoula/article_b3d0ea64-96be-11e9-a210-ffbac502cce8.html

  4. Government Websites by CivicPlus. (n.d.). Jackson County Mississippi. Jackson County, MS | Official Website. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.co.jackson.ms.us/

  5. Keeton, H. (2019, March 15). Pascagoula UFO: A new witness comes forward. WLOX. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.wlox.com/2019/03/15/pascagoula-ufo-new-witness-comes-forward/

  6. Aliens.FANDOM. (n.d.). Pascagoula Humanoid | Alien Species | Fandom. Alien Species Wiki. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://aliens.fandom.com/wiki/Pascagoula_Humanoid

  7. Hinds Libraries. (2021, November 30). Library Home Page: Paranormal Mississippi Case Files: A Halloween LibGuide: The Pascagoula Abuction. Hinds Libraries. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://libguides.hindscc.edu/c.php?g=1086426&p=7922813

For the Audio:

  1. ClarionLedger, & SOUNDCLOUD. (2020, July 8). 1973 Interview on Pascagoula alien abduction by ClarionLedger. SoundCloud. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://soundcloud.com/user-927114320/1973-interview-on-pascagoula-alien-abduction?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Fuser-927114320%252F1973-interview-on-pascagoula-alien-abductio

For the Image:

  1. OSR.org Staff. (2020, June 14). Pascagoula UFO Encounter. Online Star Register. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://osr.org/blog/kids/pascagoula-ufo-encounter/

  2. Parry, E. (2018, September 7). Fishermen saw 'robot-like creatures with slit mouths and crab pincers in most bizarre alien abduction ever', secret hypnosis files reveal. The Scottish Sun. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/3174653/fishermen-saw-robot-like-creatures-with-slit-mouths-and-crab-pincers-in-most-bizarre-alien-abduction-ever-secret-hypnosis-files-reveal/

  3. MapsOfWorlds. (n.d.). Jackson County Map, Mississippi. World Map. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.mapsofworld.com/usa/states/mississippi/counties/jackson-map.html

  4. WXXV25. (2018, 08 17). alien abduction Archives. WXXV. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.wxxv25.com/tag/alien-abduction/

  5. Geology.Deq.MS. (n.d.). Pascagoula River. Risk Map - Pascagoula River Sub-Basin. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://geology.deq.ms.gov/floodmaps/Projects/RiskMAP/?huc=03170006

  6. Fox10tv. (2019, June 24). Historical marker commemorates reported alien abduction in Pascagoula. FOX10 News. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.fox10tv.com/news/historical-marker-commemorates-reported-alien-abduction-in-pascagoula/article_b3d0ea64-96be-11e9-a210-ffbac502cce8.html

  7. Broom, B. (2019, March 14). 'The story is very true. That's what has bothered me for 45 years.' UFO witnesses speak. The Clarion-Ledger. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.clarionledger.com/story/magnolia/2019/03/14/ufo-pascagoula-mississippi-calvin-parker-charles-hickson-other-witnesses/3129121002/

  8. PARKER, C., & Amazon. (n.d.). PASCAGOULA-THE CLOSEST ENCOUNTER: MY STORY. Amazon.com. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.amazon.com/PASCAGOULA-CLOSEST-ENCOUNTER-MY-STORY/dp/198299584X

  9. Hickson, C., & Amazon. (n.d.). UFO Contact at Pascagoula by Charles Hickson (1983-05-03. Amazon.com. Retrieved February 16, 2022, from https://www.amazon.com/Contact-Pascagoula-Charles-Hickson-1983-05-03/dp/B01FELEV86


